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An escrow is a financial arrangement involving two or more parties in which a third party receives and regulates payment of funds for the transacting parties, usually upon the execution of agreed terms.
SURTii is a digital escrow that provides secure payment solutions through an innovative, seamless, and transparent process for parties involved in financial transactions. SURTii is your SURETY.
Doing business with unknown parties can be tricky and has its risks. SURTii mitigates issues of trust, ensuring all parties are protected through every stage of a transaction.
Once a transaction is created, SURTii holds the funds in a secure escrow account. This created account is consequently linked to all parties in the transaction for transparency and stays locked until the transaction is successfully concluded.
Individuals and businesses (SMEs) that are interested in payment security for their transactions can use SURTii. There are also unique plug-in solutions for e-commerce sites, online marketplaces, and freelance platforms.
For any time, you doubt the legitimacy of a transaction, use a secure escrow. You can access SURTii escrow on your browser, messaging Apps, or as an App on your gadgets (PC, Phone, and Tablet).
SURTii has been designed to ensure that transactions are built on trust, with the Seller adequately covered. SURTii does this by validating that each withdrawal goes through a secure authentication process, ensuring the Seller has full control.
Simple. Sign up on SURTii Webapp or through our interactive chatbot. Prepare the transaction terms with a full description of product/service to be provided, send the payment invite from your account to your clients/customers, upon which they will be prompted via email or WhatsApp to use SURTii to conclude funding and confirmations. Wait for product/service to be rendered and conclude transaction through the chatbot or web app.
When a transaction is disputed, SURTii places a hold on funds until issues are rectified. During the dispute window, SURTii allows merchants and Buyers to resolve the dispute within a stipulated period stated by the merchant/buyer. If after the stipulated time, a dispute is not resolved, our in-house legal team will mediate to proffer a speedy resolution
When a transaction is disputed, SURTii places a hold on funds until issues are rectified. During the dispute window, SURTii allows merchants and Buyers to resolve the dispute within a stipulated period stated by the merchant/buyer. If after the stipulated time, a dispute is not resolved, our in-house legal team will mediate to proffer a speedy resolution
Funds are not released until parties to the transaction have mutually confirmed the completion of the transaction. Upon receiving confirmation, funds will be dropped into the merchant’s wallet and can then be withdrawn.
For orders that have been marked as delivered by the Seller, if no action is taken by the Buyer within the 24-hour inspection window, such a transaction is automatically marked as completed.
Pricing & Support
SURTii offers affordable tier-based pricing system
  • N100,000 & Below 2% + N100
  • N100,001 – N500,000 1.75% + N100
  • N500,001 & Above 1.5% + N100
The Buyer or Seller (Or broker) can create a transaction on SURTii. Upon creation of said transaction, the details are encrypted into a link, which is then forwarded to the respective party to effect.
When a transaction is being created, an option to pick who pays the transactions is selected; The Buyer or Seller can either pay the fees, or they can both decide to split the charges 50/50.

A buyer means the person or party receiving value for goods or services rendered by a seller. The Buyer is the person or party that funds the SURTII escrow account to fulfill payment agreements to a seller.

A seller means a person or party offering goods or services for sale to a Buyer, by utilizing SURTii’s platform to facilitate such sale. The Seller consequently receives value for funds after the transaction has been confirmed by the Buyer.

SURTii intermediates financial transactions between parties by providing a secure transaction environment, this process is broken down as follows;

  1. Agreement on terms of the transaction: Buyer and Seller agree to embark on a transaction, and terms are agreed upon. Buyer or Seller goes ahead to initiate the transaction on SURTII capturing terms; Specifications and descriptions to the said transaction. Contact details of the counterparty are provided, and an e-invoice is forwarded to the party who reviews to ensure captured terms are the same as discussed and proceeds to accept.
  2. Payment processing: Upon agreement to stipulated terms, Buyer credits SURTii escrow, and funds are warehoused upon which Seller is notified via notifications mechanisms.
  3. Seller initiates own obligation: Seller proceeds to deliver items/render service request as specified by the terms of the agreement.
  4. Confirmation by Buyer: Buyer receives items/completed service, performs quality checks/reviews with respect to inspection time stipulated in terms of the agreement, and proceeds to either accept it as satisfactory or dispute.
  5. Seller authorizes withdrawal: After successful confirmation of the transaction, SURTii releases funds held in escrow into Seller’s wallet, and consequently, Seller can withdraw.
Once delivery is confirmed by the Seller, the status of the transaction is updated, and the inspection window is opened. During the inspection period, the Buyer has the option to accept or open a dispute. When a dispute is opened, the service provider/seller is notified, and a resolution is expected between Buyer and Seller within 72 hours. If there is a failure to resolve this dispute within 72 hours, the case is escalated to the SURTii arbitration system for fair and prompt resolution.